Filter Grid List Map All listing types All listing types Books / literature Flashcards Summary / Formulary / Solutions University of Basel All categories University of Basel Classical Studies Archeology Astronomy Biology / Biochemistry / Biophysics / Bioinformatics / Bioethics Chemistry Earth Sciences Ethnology Geography History Gender Studies Computer Science Criminology Cultural Anthropology African Studies Egyptology European Studies Jewish Studies European Studies / Eastern European cultures Art History and Theory Literature Mathematics Media Studies Medicine Meteorology Musicology Nano Sciences Ecology / Environmental Sciences Philology Pedagogy / Education Science Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Jurisprudence Study of Religion Sociology Sports Sciences Linguistics and Literature: English Languages and Literatures: French Languages and Literatures: Hispanic Languages and Literatures: Islamic Languages and Literatures: Italian Languages and Literatures: Latin Languages and Literatures: Slavic / Russian Studies Sustainable Development Theology Economics Miscellaneous ETH Zürich Architecture (D-ARCH) Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (D-BAUG) Biosystems Science and Engineering (D-BSSE) Computer Science (D-INFK) Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET) Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT) Materials (D-MATL) Biology (D-BIOL) Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB) Mathematics (D-MATH) Physics (D-PHYS) Earth Sciences (D-ERDW) Environmental Systems Science (D-USYS) Health Sciences and Technology (D-HEST) Management, Technology and Economics (D-MTEC) Humanities, Social and Political Sciences (D-GESS) Miscellaneous University of Lucerne Ethics Ethnology History Social and communication Sciences Jewish Studies Cultural studies Philosophy Philosophy, Politics and Economics Political science Political economy Jurisprudence Religious education Study of religion Sociology Theology Economics Miscellaneous FHNW Applied Psychology Architecture, construction and geomatics Design and art Computer science International Life Sciences Music Education Social work Technology Economy Miscellaneous HSG Assessment year Major in Business Administration Major in Economics Major in International Affairs Major in Law Business Innovation Marketing, Services and Communication Management Accounting and Finance Strategy and International Management Business Management Management, Organization Studies and Cultural Theory Banking and Finance Economics Quantitative Economics and Finance International Affairs and Governance International Law Law Law and Economics Joint Medical Master in St.Gallen CEMS MIM HSLU Architecture & interior Design Construction technology Design Electrical engineering & machine engineering Computer science and business informatics Music Social work Economics Industrial engineer & innovation ZHAW Applied Linguistics Applied Psychology Architecture Aviation Civil Engineering Biotechnology Chemistry Electrical engineering Energy and environmental technology Engineering Occupational therapy Facility Management Health promotion and prevention Midwife Computer Science / Business Informatics Journalism / Organizational Communication Life Sciences Food technology Machine technology Multilingual / multimodal communication / technology communication Caring Physical therapy Social work System technology Environmental engineering Transport systems Industrial engineering Business law Economics Price Min: Max: Condition of article New and unused Like new Used The article was required in the following period of study Assessment Bachelor (1st & 2nd semester) Advanced level Bachelor Master Doctoral studies Accepted payment method Bank / Post transfer Cash Twint According to description Update view All categories University of Basel Classical Studies Archeology Astronomy Biology / Biochemistry / Biophysics / Bioinformatics / Bioethics Chemistry Earth Sciences Ethnology Geography History Gender Studies Computer Science Criminology Cultural Anthropology African Studies Egyptology European Studies Jewish Studies European Studies / Eastern European cultures Art History and Theory Literature Mathematics Media Studies Medicine Meteorology Musicology Nano Sciences Ecology / Environmental Sciences Philology Pedagogy / Education Science Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Jurisprudence Study of Religion Sociology Sports Sciences Linguistics and Literature: English Languages and Literatures: French Languages and Literatures: Hispanic Languages and Literatures: Islamic Languages and Literatures: Italian Languages and Literatures: Latin Languages and Literatures: Slavic / Russian Studies Sustainable Development Theology Economics Miscellaneous ETH Zürich University of Lucerne FHNW HSG HSLU ZHAW CHF7 Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft - Graefen/ Liedke CHF7 Michelle CHF35 Chemie für Dummies - Lehrbuch CHF35 Ladina CHF45 Biology; A global approach CHF45 Maria-Sophie CHF18 KKarten Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre CHF18 Sue CHF22 KKarten Intermediate Macroeconomics CHF22 Sue CHF35 Öffentliches Recht CHF35 Sue CHF16 Gründzüge der Volkswortschaftslehre - Arbeitsbuch CHF16 Sue CHF45 Schweizerisches Bundesstaatsrecht CHF45 Pema CHF12 Das Relief der Erde, ein Bildatlas CHF12 Xenia CHF15 Handbuch des Geographieunterrichts, Band 1 CHF15 Xenia CHF25 Ethnologie - Einführung und Überblick CHF25 vanessa CHF17 Statistik für Dummies CHF17 vanessa CHF17 Klimatologie CHF17 vanessa CHF15 Biologie Oberstufe CHF15 vanessa CHF35 Botanik CHF35 vanessa CHF12 Organisationen - eine sehr kurze Einführung CHF12 vanessa CHF70 Allgemeine Geologie (Tarbuck/Lutgens) CHF70 vanessa CHF15 Geschichte der Philosophie CHF15 Christian CHF30 Lehrbuch der Soziologie, 3. Auflage CHF30 Christian CHF17 The Portable Edgar Allan Poe CHF17 Tatiana CHF10 Sense and Sensibility CHF10 Tatiana CHF7 Persuasion CHF7 Tatiana CHF40 What is Sociolinguistics? CHF40 Tatiana CHF7 English Linguistics: Essentials (English Edition) CHF7 Lea ← Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next →